Kids will enjoy getting involved in making these tasty fajitas. If you do not have any xylitol, the next best thing to use for the...

This high-protein, grain-free bread makes a delicious breakfast option. You’ll need a food processor or blender to grind the pecan nuts to form a flour-like...

Serves 82 litres water8 lemons, squeezed (around 280 ml)1/2 -3/4 tsp liquid stevia (try NuNaturals)250g strawberries, sliced In a large jug combine water, lemon juice and...

Breakfast, lunch or supper ideas, take your pick from these 5 tasty and nutritious combinations, fresh and cooked up in minutes from scratch! Spinach and Feta 2...

Everybody loves pancakes, don’t they? And they can be part of a healthy lifestyle, too! You can pick the recipe you want (there is even...

We have a huge lemon tree in our garden that produces lemons all year round in Cape Town, so our lemons are never wasted with...

There is nothing like a good bowl of spaghetti bolognese, you’ll be pleased to know that you can still include this meal as part of...

This recipe originated from Patrick Holford’s low GL diet recipe book, and, as my husband is always the chief burger maker, he has evolved it...